Branding resources
Thank you for using Oxford Languages world-renowned language data in your product.
As part of the terms and conditions you may be required to attribute ‘Powered by Oxford Languages’ in any product that incorporates our language data. Please follow these guidelines for the topics below:
Using the Oxford Languages name
Please use 'Powered by Oxford Languages’ when referencing us in your product. Please do not refer to the Oxford English Dictionary, as this is a subsection of the brand and may not be the data that you are using.
To find out more about Oxford Languages and the products contained within it, visit our parent site at
Where should I reference Oxford Languages?
You can reference Oxford Languages either by:
- posting the ‘Powered by Oxford Languages’ logo prominently on your product home page, or
- posting the phrase ‘Powered by Oxford Languages’ in an ‘About’ page for your product that is readily accessible and visible to anyone downloading or accessing the product
What happens if I do not want to attribute Oxford Languages in my product?
In the event that you do not wish to follow the attribution requirement set out in the terms and conditions, you may email [email protected] to request a waiver of this requirement.
Can I use the ‘Oxford University Press’ logo instead?
Please email [email protected] to discuss options.
Using the ‘Powered by Oxford Languages’ logo
- You are not allowed to edit or modify the ‘Powered by Oxford Languages’ logo
- Please ensure the exclusion zone (the clear space around the logo which cannot be encroached) is adhered to
- Please ensure a white exclusion zone around the logo of the height of the ‘O’ in Oxford
Colour version:
Right click to save image or email [email protected] if you require other image sizes or file formats.

Black and white version:
This will only be available for customers whose application is presented in black and white.
Right click to save image or email [email protected] if you require other image sizes or file formats.

Examples of correct and incorrect usage
Incorrect – the logo has been edited

Correct – there is a clear exclusion zone

Description of relationship with Oxford Languages
When referencing the relationship with Oxford Languages, e.g. in product descriptions, marketing copy, press releases, etc., you must use terminology that accurately represents the nature of your relationship or agreement with Oxford Languages.
Examples of appropriate written referencing
When referring to Oxford Languages:
The language data is provided by Oxford Languages, part of Oxford University Press
When speaking specifically about a language:
The application uses the isiZulu dataset from Oxford Languages
When referring to the OED, please use either:
The Oxford English Dictionary, part of Oxford Languages, today announced…
The Oxford English Dictionary, part of Oxford University Press, today announced…
There is no need for:
The Oxford English Dictionary, part of Oxford Languages, part of Oxford University Press, today announced….
If you have any other questions about the use of the Oxford Languages name or logo, please email [email protected].