Oxford Languages September 2022 updates
Our most popular language datasets, the Oxford Dictionary of English and New Oxford American Dictionary, had their second round of content updates. Both monolingual dictionary datasets cover British and American English.
As language evolves, our language datasets are frequently updated by our language experts to support our business partners and keep their dictionary displays, games, and mobile applications, among other solutions, aligned with the current English.
We have added hundreds of new headwords, phrases, and senses added to our English monolingual datasets, including content from different class domains such as soccer, science, medicine, and technology. These latest datasets present significant coverage of word categories that can show higher usage and audience interest for more word information with upcoming events such as the World Cup.

More than 100 completely new headwords, phrases, and senses were added to ODE and NOAD this month, and with the upcoming World Cup in mind we had a focus on the vocabulary of soccer – adding Cruyff turn, false nine, gegenpress, Panenka, and squeaky bum time.
Another key theme seen in this update is language surrounding science, medicine, and the environment with agrivoltaic, bioeconomy, coinfection, and halotherapy all added to our English datasets.
Other new words included in this update include apricity, bullycide, cishet, edgeland, energy poverty, final girl, folx, ignorati, kumbaya, lumberjill, multisexual, porch pirate, and superyacht. New phrases include hill to die on, make some noise, peg it, if you snooze you lose, and as the actress said to the bishop.
This time our lexicographers worked on reviewing more than 1,000 entries. The entries were revised, updated, or corrected based on internal lexicography analysis and user feedback from our dictionary display clients.
Major entries revised include censor, nation, introvert, extrovert and other related words. We have also updated the text to cover the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the accession of Charles III, with the new titles given to Prince William and others.
In this release, our sensitivity project included reviewing vocabulary around mental illness, reviewing hundreds of terms and revising more than 150 entries, including those for altered state, neurosis, and schizophrenia and more.
500 etymologies were updated in line with research carried out for the historical OED project, in most cases to take account of earlier first uses identified by the researchers.
New entries equal new audio pronunciations! This update also shook our pronunciation team, which worked on recording high-quality audio files for over 100 new entries for English. Plus, audio recordings represented both variations, British and American.
See more about the language datasets we provide for enterprise solutions here.